Exhibition | Feb 2021

Landskrona | Nov 2020

Landskrona | Nov 2020

I do not know how many pictures I have taken in my life, several hundreds of thousands, maybe millions. In our eldest son's first year of life alone 17 years ago, I took over 30,000 pictures. It may be uninteresting; what matters is the images that got stuck on the retina. Images that captured a moment, a feeling, or struck a tone in another human being. That number is only a fraction of all the pictures I have taken over the years. I do not strive to take many pictures, rather the opposite. I shoot many analog photographs with film, which has become very expensive in terms of price and not possible to waste exposures. Today I take significantly fewer pictures, and hopefully, the proportion of good pictures is higher now than then. The other night on a photo trip to Rögle Dammar, I took five pictures in one hour.


Exhibit 2021

In February 2021, I will be exhibiting pictures in my hometown, Lund, for the first time.

In February 2021, I will be exhibiting pictures in my hometown, Lund, for the first time. It feels almost a little overwhelming to select a limited number of images to display. In my opinion, there needs to be a common thread and a journey through the exhibition as well, not just pretty images. Geographically, it is quite simple, focus on Lund and Skåne. Some choices are about digital or analog images; other choices are about city or nature, maybe both. Color or black/white, with or without people, square or panorama, low, close, aerial, and so on. But the most difficult thing is to choose images that somehow create a feeling in the viewer.

But it's also a fun job, going through pictures. See the development over time, what has been dominant, and within periods overrepresented. I do not mean in a general media perspective, but what I like to photograph.

I hope that as many as possible will have the opportunity to see the exhibition unless a virus limits us too much. That many want to visit it, both those I know and others who like photography like me. More information will come as we approach February. Now it's time to go out and take the next picture, and who knows, maybe it's a picture from today that will be on display in February.

See you! Take care!


Strange Year


Film surprise